Pennsylvania Fall Foliage Report Week 3

To predict peak season from the colors, use these guidelines:
? Dark Green/Little to No Change= peak is three weeks to a month away
? Light Green/Starting to Change= peak is approximately two to three weeks away
? Yellow/Approaching Best Color= peak is approximately one week away
? Orange/Best Color= foliage is peaking this week
? Red/Starting to Fade= still some nice color but won’t last more than a few more days
? Brown/Past Peak= all or nearly all color is gone

Statewide Fall Foliage Overview
This week’s marked drop in nightly temperatures has accelerated the transition of color in Penn’s Woods. Vibrant
shades can be found throughout the northeastern, northcentral, northwestern, central, and southwestern portions of the Commonwealth. Vivid autumn color is now prevalent from the northern Poconos to the central Appalachians and throughout the Allegheny Plateau.
















Pleasant color at Moshannon State Forest. (photo by C. Gulvas)

Foresters in Moshannon State Forest (serving Clearfield County) said oaks are beginning to turn yellow and red in clumps and on the tips of branches. Still deep green oaks provide a nice contrast with the species currently changing colors. 

Red maples are a vibrant scarlet and orange and sugar maples have turned bright yellow. Birches have turned a vivid yellow. Sassafras and black gum continue their show, turning yellow/orange and deep red. A recommended auto tour is the Elk Scenic Drive, consisting of routes 153, 255, 555, 120, and 879. Also, be sure to check out local lakes and ponds where the water and surrounding trees provide a stunning reflection, such as those and
Parker Dam and Black Moshannon State parks.

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