Clearfield Borough Bids Farewell to Code Enforcement Officer

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council bid farewell to its code enforcement officer during Thursday’s committee meeting.

The meeting marked the final one for Brett Stewart, whose last day in the borough code enforcement post was Friday, Oct. 4.

Members of council expressed their appreciation of Stewart and his service to the borough following his final report.

Councilwoman Barbara Shaffner said Stewart was able to accomplish more in his short time at the borough than others have done in years.

Stewart thanked council for its efforts to help him, and noted he plans to assist the new code officer, once they are hired.

Stewart was hired as the borough’s code enforcement officer in January of this year, according to a previously-published report.

With the resignation of Stewart, council on Thursday recommended to advertise its open code enforcement position.

In other business, council:

The voting meeting of Clearfield Borough Council is Thursday, Oct. 17 at 5:30 p.m. at the borough’s administrative office building. Council reminded that public comment will be limited to five minutes per person.

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