Clearfield County Senior Environment Corps Announces October Program

Pictured, from left to right, are some SEC members, Barb Homer, Lyle Millard, Trish Millard, Bob Homer, Sue Bell, Olive Plubell, Edwena Eger, Paul Tarachko Jr., Donna Tubbs, Susie Kline, Pat Ting, Richard Atkinson and Marianne Atkinson. The plants directly behind the group are invasive Japanese Knotweed with white flowers that can be seen on the right. Knotweed is capable of completely smothering out all other plant life, launching a domino effect that leads to other native species, like insects and birds, to leave the area as well. The SEC learned about Knotweed at a previous program by PSU Wildlife students.

CURWENSVILLE – A program, titled “Bird Feeders and Common Feeder Birds,” is planned by the Clearfield County Senior Environment Corps., for Oct. 7, from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. at the Curwensville Community Center.

Come learn about different kinds of bird feeders and common feeder birds for free. The PowerPoint program will be presented by the following Penn State DuBois Wildlife Technology students: Austin Dubay, Jackson Ramsey, Seth Heinsey and Joe Tettis.

They will also have a variety of bird feeders on display and it will be a great program for any bird lover.

Refreshments will be provided.

People of any age are welcome to be guests of the Clearfield County Senior Environment Corps at their monthly meeting. 

The event is supported by the Clearfield County Senior Environment Corps. For questions or more info, please contact 814-583-7926.

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