Langerholc, Rigby to Introduce Legislation to Provide Reduced Hunting and Fishing Licenses for Law Enforcement

HARRISBURG – Sen. Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-35) and Rep. Jim Rigby (R-71) on Tuesday announced their intention to introduce legislation to provide law enforcement with hunting and fishing licenses for $1.

The lawmakers noted that members of law enforcement put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities. Providing them with hunting and fishing licenses for $1 is a small token of appreciation for their dedication and bravery. Further, engaging in outdoor activities like hunting and fishing can significantly benefit mental health.

This legislation will apply to all law enforcement officers empowered to enforce state laws as well as county and state corrections officers. 

“Law enforcement is the backbone of our community and paramount to safety. In a world where the woke left demonize law enforcement, those who still choose this difficult career path deserve our gratitude,” Langerholc said.

“This legislation provides an additional benefit for those who heed the call to keep us safe.”

“Every day our law enforcement officers go to work not knowing what they will see or encounter in the line of duty. We can only begin to repay our debt of gratitude to them by providing $1 hunting and fishing licenses to enjoy Pennsylvania’s beauty,” shared Rigby.

“Our men and women in blue make sacrifices each day they put on that uniform; I’d like to thank them for their service and hope my colleagues will join me in passing this legislation to support our police.”

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