Second-ever “Doggie Paddle” to Benefit Lawrence Twp. Dog Park

(Lawrence Twp. Dog Park facebook page).

CLEARFIELD – The second-ever “Doggie Paddle” (rubber doggie race) will be held at the Dented Keg on Sunday, July 21, where 500 rubber doggies will ‘jump’ off the Market St Bridge and float down the river to a catch-net finish line along the Witmer Park boat launch.

Prizes will be awarded for the following top dogs to reach the finish line: first place – $1,000; second place – $500; third place – $250; fourth place – $100 and fifth place – $50.

Tickets for the numbered rubber doggies are $10 each and can purchases at Waggin Trains in Clearfield, or by contacting a member of the committee via the Lawrence Township Dog Park website:

Rubber ‘Doggie” tickets can also be purchased online at   Only 500 tickets will be sold.

The event at Dented Keg will begin at 3 PM with the dog race beginning promptly at 5 PM.  A basket raffle will be held along with other fund-raising activities, all benefitting the dog park.  Dog themed food and drinks will be available for purchase from the Dented Keg, and live music will be provided.  If you would like to donate a basket for the raffle, please leave a message on the dog park website.

The LT Dog Park is located on Fire Tower Road in the Lawrence Township Rec Park.  Funds raised at this event will be used to purchase much needed benches to be placed throughout the park.  For information on how you can purchase a memorial bench for the park, please email

Watch the LT dog park FaceBook site for updates

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