Meeting To Address Community and Housing Needs

Clearfield- Together the Redevelopment Authority of Clearfield County (RACC) and Mature Resources Area Agency on Aging (MRAAA) will hold a meeting for residents 55 and over and those with disabilities. 

This meeting will be held at the Clearfield Presbyterian Church Social Hall located at 119 N 2nd Street Clearfield, PA on Wednesday June 19th at 11:00AM. This meeting will be held during the regular senior center hours.  Those attending should enter the church in rear off of Healy Avenue.    

The meeting will be conducted by Lisa Kovalick, Executive Director of the RACC along with Kathy Gillespie, CEO of MRAAA.  Additionally, Bill Brown of the Social Enterprise Group of Elizabethtown, PA will be speaking on housing for seniors.

Reports from the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania shows us there is a lack of reasonably priced housing in Clearfield County.  Those living below 30% of the County AMI or a family size of 1 living on $20,310 a year suffer the most, in that for every 100 families, seniors, and people living with disability, there are only 51 decently priced or affordable rental homes available here in Clearfield County. 

Kovalick has been administering the County Affordable Housing Trust Fund, with this funding we have been granting funding to private landlords to create additional safe rental housing at decent prices for families, seniors and people living with disabilities. She states, “we must do better for those in need in our communities that includes seniors, veterans and disabled people living here.”  This meeting will give residents the opportunity to voice their housing concerns and needs, as well as, identify what amenities they would like in Clearfield Area.

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