Aqua PA Rate Increase Tops Sandy Twp. Meeting

DUBOIS – Aqua PA has plans for a rate increase that will impact Treasure Lake residents.

But, during their board meeting Monday, the Sandy Township supervisors reported the township will see if it can keep the planned increase from happening.

According to Supervisor Barry Abbott, the rate increase could be as high as 58 percent. “In my personal opinion, it’s an unfair burden on the residents of Treasure Lake.”

Treasure Lake has its own water system through Aqua PA while the remaining areas of the township are serviced through DuBois City.

The supervisors asked Township/City Manager Shawn Arbaugh to investigate the matter and what could be done, including working with Treasure Lake’s board.

The issue will be revisited at the next Sandy Township public meetings on June 17.

In other business Monday, the supervisors reported the township is seeking a $855,000 multi-modal grant for the Wolf-Mt. Run Road project. 

Because it’s typically a matching grant, the township will also be seeking to have the matching requirement waived.

The supervisors approved the Green-Light Go Project and awarded it to M&B Construction.  Sandy Township’s share of the project, which is being done in partnership with DuBois City, is $135,963. 

The township also awarded its line painting bid to “Lines for Less.” The total project cost is $32,000, with $14,000 being the township’s share. 

The supervisors announced that Clearfield County is planning to host a meeting regarding the HOME Program grant at the DuBois City municipal meeting.

The Pennsylvania HOME Program is a federally-funded program that provides municipalities with grant and loan assistance to expand and preserve the supply of decent and affordable housing for low- and very low-income Pennsylvanians.

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