LTE: United Way Thankful for Local Restaurant’s Support

Dear Editor:

We would like to take a moment to thank Dutch Pantry for its spring “Tag Day for United Way,” which it held for the Clearfield Area United Way.

Specifically we thank manager, Tracy Brubaker and her staff who have graciously partnered to help us to support in an extra way our 23 member agencies, which reach out to help people throughout eastern, southern and central Clearfield County.

For over 70 years, people have joined together to show their commitment to this CAUW effort of people helping people of all ages.

Dutch Pantry’s support of our member agencies has and will continue to make an impact in the area.

From board members to our campaign team and staff, we offer a heartfelt thank you to them being United Way heroes.

And, any restaurant wishing to help United Way by hosting a Tag Day is asked to call 814-765-6521 for more information.

Most Sincerely,

Wilson Fisher Jr.

Nancy Pinto, Chief Professional Officer

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