Thompson Announces $628,155 in Federal Funding for Curwensville Streetscape Improvements

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson has announced $628,155 for the Borough of Curwensville to improve infrastructure, public safety and accessibility in Curwensville’s streetscapes.

This investment will allow for renovating sidewalks and crosswalks, improving streetlighting and enhancing the visual value of the business district with street trees and benches.

The streets in the Borough of Curwensville are the lifeline to the town’s businesses and residents.

They signify the public life of the community. These streets encompassing state Route 879 are used by pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike.

“I am pleased to announce more than $628,000 in federal funding for Curwensville to improve streetscapes throughout the business district,” Thompson said.

“By revitalizing Curwensville’s streetscapes, we are able to work toward a safer, more vibrant community that will be enjoyed for years to come.”

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