Clearfield County Charitable Foundation Announces Scholarship Opportunities Available for 2024 Graduates

The Scott Beers Memorial Scholarship awards scholarships to graduates of the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center pursuing careers in the construction and electrical trades and other service-related fields. Pictured are Valerie and Gordon Beers with the 2023 recipients of the Scott Beers Memorial Scholarship Noah Heitsenrether, Camie Freeman, Remington Crawford and Sapphire Bias.

CLEARFIELD – With graduation fast approaching for the senior class of 2024, the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation has several new scholarship opportunities available this year along with scholarships awarded in prior years.

Some of the scholarships available through the Charitable Foundation are geared towards students accepted to two- and four-year degree programs in the construction trades, electrical services, culinary arts, hospitality management, nursing and other health care related fields.

CCCF Executive Director Mark McCracken said, “Many of the scholarship committees we work with are awarding their scholarships to students pursuing careers in service-related fields needed here in Clearfield County.

“While scholarship committees take into consideration the student’s academic standing and GPA, they also consider the financial need of the student, employment history while in high school and any community service performed.

“The goal of the Charitable Foundation and the scholarship committees we work with is to provide financial assistance to as many students as possible so they can pursue the career of their choice and be successful in life.”

For 2024, the following scholarships are being offered for the first time:

Shirley Ann McKee Memorial Scholarship

Established by John McKee in memory of his wife, this scholarship will accept applications from students graduating from Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School and Curwensville High School. Two scholarships will be awarded with one recipient from each school.

Paper applications for the McKee scholarship can be picked up in the Guidance Offices at both schools.

Criteria for this scholarship includes that the graduating senior must be accepted into an accredited school of higher learning (four year colleges, or two-year technical or trade schools are eligible).

Students must be in good standing in their school and community. Preference may be given to a student pursuing a career in the trades.

Evelyn Czarnecki Verbeke Memorial Scholarship

Established by Karen Ann Verbeke Shealey in memory of her mother, it’s meant to encourage and support graduates of any Clearfield County high school to pursue and complete an educational program and degree in nursing.

Application for this scholarship should be made online at the CCCF Web site via the Scholarship Application Portal with a submission deadline of April 15 at 11 p.m.

Fred L. and Bernece C. Rhoads Nursing Scholarship

Established by Constance McGarry through her will and estate settlement, it is to honor the memory of her parents Fred and Bernece Rhoades.

This scholarship is available to students accepted to the fall term of the Practical Nursing Program (CIP CODE 51.3901) at the Clearfield County Career and Technology Center.

Application for this scholarship should be made online at the CCCF Web site via the Scholarship Application Portal with a submission deadline of April 15 at 11 p.m.

The following scholarships that have been awarded in prior years can be applied for online via the CCCF Online Scholarship Application Portal at

The Reitz Theater Performing Arts Scholarship, with an application deadline of March 1 at 11 p.m., is available to students of DuBois High School, DuBois Central Catholic and Brockway High School who have participated or been involved with performances or volunteering at the Reitz Theater.

The following online applications have a deadline of April 15 at 11 p.m.:

Students who utilize the CCCF online scholarship application portal are required to set up an individual account using their e-mail address and creating a password by clicking on the “NEW APPLICANT?” link shown under the e-mail field box on the Portal Login Screen.

Once the individual account is set up, the student can apply for any of the online scholarships they are eligible for.

Scholarships that can be applied for via paper application available in their high school guidance office are:

Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School – paper application forms available at the Guidance Office must be completed and returned to the Guidance Office by end of the school day on March 7: Ava Evans Memorial Scholarship, Ardell Bressler Memorial Scholarship, Bob E. Day Memorial Scholarship, CAHS Class of ’62 Scholarship, CAHS Class of ’72 Scholarship, CAHS Class of ’75 Scholarship, Cunningham Scholarship, Gerald Read Memorial Scholarship, Kenneth McMillen Swimming Scholarship, Marsha Novey Memorial Scholarship and the Golden Bison Scholarships including the Harry W. Rowles Memorial Scholarships presented by the Golden Bison Alumni Association. Clearfield students may also apply for the Meghan Deininger Memorial Scholarship and the Shirley Ann McKee Memorial via the online application portal with application deadline for those two scholarships of April 15at 11 p.m.

Curwensville Area High School: Eileen C. Withey Memorial Scholarship and the Shirley Rowles Miller Memorial Scholarship are available at the Guidance Office. Curwensville students may also apply for the Meghan Deininger Memorial Scholarship and the Shirley Ann McKee Memorial via the online application portal.

Additionally, the Janet McCracken Hansard Memorial Scholarship is available to students in school districts in Clearfield County and the DuBois Rotary Club Scholarships are available to students in DuBois High School, DCC and Brockway Area High School. Applications for these scholarships should be available in the Guidance Department at each school.

Any questions regarding scholarships available through the Clearfield County Charitable Foundation or the Scholarship Application Portal may be e-mailed to

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