Sandy Twp. to Use Expiring CDBG Funds on Park Equipment for the Elderly

DUBOIS – Sandy Township’s plans to use expiring Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for park playground equipment have fallen through. 

Previously the board of supervisors voted to use the funding, which expires in March, for an Americans with Disabilities Act compliant merry-go-round.

However, those plans have since fallen through because CDBG funds must mostly be used for the benefit of low- to moderate-income families.

According to Township Manager Shawn Arbaugh, Sandy Township’s most recent U.S. Census data shows it’s “too well-off” for the merry-go-round to qualify.

Arbaugh did say that data shows park equipment, which targets elderly residents, would qualify and so in place of the merry-go-round, the township will install a low set of pull-up bars.

One set of pull-up bars will include a chair, Arbaugh explained, while the other will not so it may be used by wheelchair users.  

The supervisors also reported the hiring of Jonathan Smith as the newest member of the Sandy Township police force.

Following multiple interviews and thorough background checks, it was noted that Smith was at the “top of the list.” He’s originally from the DuBois area, and had worked security for Treasure Lake.

Currently, Smith works for the Southern Clarion County Regional Police Department.

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