LT Supers Hear Update on Rec Park Project

CLEARFIELD – Ron Porter of the Lawrence Township Rec Park Board on Tuesday gave an update to the township’s board of supervisors on the barbecue pit that will be constructed by the students of Clearfield County Career & Technology Center.

The township is working on the foundation and the CCCTC students will be starting their portion of the construction very soon, according to Porter.

The Rec Park Board also voted to purchase a new push mower and lay astroturf in the batting cages, he said.

Interim Lawrence Township Police Chief Julie Curry said that the Clearfield Borough Police Department’s move to the Lawrence Township Municipal Building went very smoothly.

Both police departments should be officially merged by March 5 to create the Clearfield Regional Police Department.

The phone and fax numbers for the borough still work, and will ring to the Lawrence Township building.

Code Enforcement Officer Agatha Lauder gave an update on the demolition of 227 Clark St. There were several bids from different companies like G & R, BJoe and Earthmovers.

The lowest bid at $10,489 was from BJoe and the supervisors voted to utilize their services, but they have 30 days to complete the job once the permit has been obtained.

The next demolition would be for 59 Deacon Rd. 

Roadmaster Jim King encouraged the supervisors to purchase cameras for the compost site.

Supervisor Jeremy Ruffner assured him that when the weather starts turning for the better, the compost site will get more lighting and cameras to ensure that residents are dropping off what they are supposed to be at the site. 

One bid for the excavator and the Case loader was opened. The bids came from Walker & Walker Equipment.

The loader bid was $39,000 and the excavator bid was $79,000, which were accepted. 

Secretary/Treasurer Barb Shaffner requested to advertise for bids for stone and pipe. The supervisors agreed. 

Assistant Secretary Bailey Flanagan requested permission to attend a virtual class about engaging the public, public comment and Right to Know law requests. The cost of the training is $35. The supervisors approved the training. 

The supervisors approved to advertise again for part-time help for the road crew. 

Ruffner also discussed the possibility of putting together an ordinance where bigger businesses would be required to have an Automatic External Defibrillator on-hand in case of a customer emergency.

He said that there have been two incidents at the Walmart Supercenter in Clearfield where it would have been very handy if the store had an Automatic External Defibrillator.

The supervisors encouraged Solicitor Bill Shaw Jr. to look into drafting the possible new ordinance. 

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