Resident Takes Pedestrian Safety Concerns to DuBois Council

DUBOIS – A DuBois resident took her pedestrian safety concerns to members of DuBois City Council on Monday night.

Currently, resident Alice Daley believes pedestrians aren’t given enough time to safely cross some streets.

She asked council if it were possible to have the sidewalk timers adjusted throughout the city.

Daley said her son had been “bumped” before clarifying that he was hit while trying to utilize a crosswalk.

She specifically mentioned areas including West Long Avenue/South Main Street, South Main Street/Dixon Avenue and Brady/Main streets.

“It would be helpful if people trying to cross just had a little more time,” Daley said.

Afterwards, Engineer Chris Nasuti explained that crosswalk timer adjustments would be a PennDOT decision; however, he would discuss it with them. 

Nasuti also said per Pennsylvania State Law, motorists are to yield to pedestrians in the walkway, also noting that the intersections had protected turns. 

In other words, he said all lights remain red for a few seconds before one set turns green.

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