Jeff Tech November Student of the Month


REYNOLDSVILLE – Jeff Tech’s November Student of the Month is Halee- Jeanne Postlewait, a senior in the Auto Collision Repair Shop.  

Halee- Jeanne is the president of the Senior Class, the Auto Body Shop, CTSO (Career & Technical Student Organization) and the Art Club.  She is a member of the NTHS (National Technical Honor Society).

 She also participated in the Paint the Plow competition for Penn Dot.  Halee-Jeanne currently works at Hometown Market in Brookville and enjoys painting, walking and listening to music in her free time. 

After graduation she plans on attending college for Business and Higher Tech Vehicles and then entering the workforce.  Her home school is the Brookville Area School District. 

She is the daughter of Shawna and Sonny Postlewait and resides in Brookville.

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