LTE: Former Employee/Parent Addresses MV School Issues

Dear Editor:

I attended the Aug. 15 Moshannon Valley school board meeting as a parent, member of the community and former employee. 

I am deeply disturbed by the reaction of many of the board members to the concerns brought forth by the parents.

Nasty looks, eye rolls, side conversations while people are speaking … this is not the behavior or level of respect that I expect from officers elected to represent our community in school.

I’m not asking you to believe what we’re saying. Hear it for yourself.  I implore you to start having exit interviews of all leaving staff WITHOUT administration present, starting with everyone who left this past school year.

Your duty, as elected officials, is not to be John Zesiger’s friend. It is to facilitate smooth operations and improvements at the school.

The administrative reputation of Moshannon Valley can no longer be ignored. The lack of staff, and experienced staff, because of the poor treatment can no longer be ignored.

Your passivity on these issues can no longer be ignored. Our children are paying the steepest price.

Kimberly Nixon

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