CCAAA Lottery Calendars Available this Fall

CURWENSVILLE – The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging (CCAAA) is once again offering the popular Lottery Calendars for the 2023 calendar year.

Calendars are each marked with a three-digit number, valid for every day of the year. Cash prizes are awarded each day, the amount of which is listed on the calendar for each date.

Winning numbers are determined by the first three-digits of the “PA Pick 3” evening number drawn at 7 p.m. Individuals may request a number if is still available.

The cost is $26 per calendar. Those looking for Christmas gift ideas may purchase any number of calendars they choose.

Proceeds benefit the Clearfield County Centers for Active Living, which provide a variety of activities and social opportunities for seniors in their local communities.

CCAAA Lottery Calendars are sponsored by CNB Bank, Clearfield Tire and Auto, LLC, Pennsylvania Grain Processing, LLC, Kubista, Ryan, and Valenza LLP and Author Clair Kriner.

To reserve calendars, call the CCAAA at 814-765-2696. Calendars may be picked up at locations in Clearfield and Curwensville beginning in late September. Checks should be made payable to CCAAA, and mailed to 600 Cooper Rd., Curwensville, PA 16833.

For more information on the CCAAA, visit

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