Baseball Assn. Facing Losses After Partial Roof Collapse at Former Lawrence Twp. Police Station

(Clearfield Fire Dept. photo)

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Area Baseball Association is facing a loss after the partial roof collapse at the old Lawrence Township police station building, which the association utilized.

Resident and Lawrence Township Recreation Park board member Ron Porter addressed the township board of supervisors Tuesday night about the loss.

Porter said the association would likely have to turn to the community to recoup the loss of equipment, as well as to try to find another space for practices. 

He also suggested the township look into fixing the PA system at the rec park ball field, and inquired about the quotes that were to be acquired for the new basketball backboards and fence caps.

Secretary Barb Shaffner assured Porter that the quotes have been passed on to the supervisors for review.

Porter and Supervisor Brian Collins reported on the future construction of a barbecue pit at the rec park.

It will be done with the help of the Clearfield County Career & Technology Center, which will also help with running electric in the pavilions.

Porter said that he hopes to have officers elected at the next rec park board meeting.

Residents of Wrigley Street also addressed the supervisors about a drainage issue that has been occurring for longer than year.

Residents reported that there are ruts near the drainage site, but water isn’t able to flow out of the ruts to reach the drain.

Residents said they have lost thousands of dollars in landscaping due to the flooding issue when heavy rains occur.

Supervisors Randy Powell and Collins assured the residents they will properly asses and take care of the situation as soon as possible.

The supervisors approved making Agatha Lauder, who was previously hired part-time as code enforcement officer, to full-time at $18/hour, effective Aug. 1.

Residents were notified that code enforcement will be out and about checking properties and letters to violators will be sent if need be.

During the code enforcement report, Lauder announced that there will be a conditional use hearing set for Tuesday, Aug. 2 at 6:50 p.m. prior to the regular board meeting.

She also reported on the land development plans in Hyde for the new Dollar General store.

She said the business would like the township to dismiss the required fencing around the retention pond that will be constructed with the building.

Lauder suggested that the fence be a requirement for public safety. The supervisors approved plans so long as all permits are in order and a four-foot chain link fence is constructed around the retention pond. 

Lastly, the township received a letter of resignation from Dave Domico of the rec park board, which was accepted and the opening will be advertised to find his replacement.

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