The Liddle Gallery to Host Sam Yost Memorial Exhibit and Reception

Clearfield- The Liddle Gallery will host a memorial exhibition and reception for Sam Yost on Saturday, April 30th from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Refreshments will be served and some of Yost’s art will be available for purchase.

About Sam Yost:

Sam was born on Palm Sunday, March 29, 1942 during a huge snowstorm.

After one of his early grade school teachers realized Sam was not slow but couldn’t see the chalk board he got glasses and started to draw.  He had many early complicated drawings, including a full court basketball game.

He took art classes all through school, really enjoying Willard Dominic’s classes.  Around his junior year Mr. Dominic told Sam that he taught him all he knew and thought Sam should pursue art in college or post college.   Sam looked into the numerous art schools in Philadelphia, but ultimately decided that he loved painting for his own enjoyment but was not so sure that he wanted to depend on it for a living.  He then decided to join his father’s engineering company and became a professional surveyor.

Sam painted many outdoor scenes, scenes that had outdoor enthusiasts in them –  mostly paintings depicting his love of canoeists and canoeing.

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