Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Rate Falls To 4.9 Percent in March

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) on Friday released its preliminary employment situation report for March 2022.

Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate was down two-tenths of a percentage point over the month to 4.9 percent in March.

The U.S. unemployment rate was also down two-tenths of a percentage point, declining to 3.6 percent in March.

The commonwealth’s unemployment rate was 2.2 percentage points below its March 2021 level and the national rate was down 2.4 percentage points over the year.

Pennsylvania’s civilian labor force – the estimated number of residents working or looking for work – increased 17,000 over the month.

The employment count rose 32,000 (to 6,074,000) while resident unemployment declined 15,000 (to 313,000).

“This month’s jobs report marks the 23rd consecutive month in Pennsylvania without an unemployment rate increase,” said L&I Secretary Jennifer Berrier.

“The numbers show the commonwealth continues to rebound strongly from the devastating effects of the pandemic, which put an enormous strain on our labor force.

“The datasets we are releasing today highlight the resilience of the millions of Pennsylvania workers doing their part to keep our economic recovery headed in the right direction.”

Pennsylvania’s total nonfarm jobs were up 15,800 over the month to 5,902,300 in March. Jobs increased in eight of the 11 industry supersectors.

Professional & business services (+7,600) had the largest gain from February. Over the year, total nonfarm jobs were up 195,900 with gains in 10 of the 11 supersectors. Leisure & hospitality had the largest 12-month gain, adding 70,100 jobs. Three supersectors – trade, transportation & utilities; information; professional & business services – were above their pre-pandemic job levels in March 2022.

From April 2020 through March 2022, Pennsylvania has recovered approximately 83 percent of jobs lost in the first two months of the pandemic period.

Additional information is available on the L&I website at or by following on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

Note: The above data are seasonally adjusted. Seasonally-adjusted data provide the most valid month-to-month comparison. March data are preliminary and subject to revision.

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