Corman Introduces State Gas Tax Cut to Support Pennsylvania Consumers

Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte)

HARRISBURG – To provide relief to consumers who are struggling due to rising gas prices, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman (R-Bellefonte) introduced a bill Monday that would significantly cut the state’s liquid fuels tax.

Senate Bill 10, the Consumer Gas Prices Relief Act, would slash the state’s gas tax by one-third through the end of the calendar year.

The revenue would be replaced by a mix of federal funds and a bond issue to ensure critical infrastructure projects are not delayed or deferred due to the gas tax cut.

Coupled with a federal gas tax holiday that Corman supports, the plan could reduce gas taxes paid by consumers at the pump by nearly 50 percent.

“Higher gas prices are taking more money out of consumers’ wallets at a time when families can least afford another financial burden,” Corman said.

“We cannot change the circumstances that led to skyrocketing gas prices – including the invasion of Ukraine and the anti-energy policies of President Biden and Governor Wolf – but we can alleviate some of the stress on Pennsylvanians every time they fill up their gas tank.”

Nationally, gas prices reached a new record of $4.17 per gallon on March 8 and continued to track higher to a record total of $4.33 per gallon on March 11. Since then, the national average has declined only slightly to $4.25 as of March 21, according to AAA.

A bipartisan group of 15 other Senators have signed on to Corman’s plan to provide relief to consumers, including Senators Ryan Aument, Lisa Baker, Camera Bartolotta, Lisa Boscola, John DiSanto, Marty Flynn, Scott Hutchinson, Kristin Phillips-Hill, Mike Regan, Devlin Robinson, Steve Santasiero, Mario Scavello, Pat Stefano, Judy Ward and John Yudichak.

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