DuBois City Council Hears 2021 Police Stats

DUBOIS – DuBois City police answered over 11,600 calls for service in 2021.

At Monday night’s city council meeting, Police Chief Blaine Clark reviewed the department’s year-end statistical report.

He said city officers answered 11,612 calls for service, and of those, 134 were “major crimes.”

Clark said the department filed 143 criminal complaints and 71 non-criminal complaints, as well as issued 1,106 parking tickets.

Also, in 2021, he said the city’s Drug Takeback Program yielded 432 pounds of drugs.

 “There was a lot of medication that was given back,” said Clark. “That’s a lot.”

Mayor Ed Walsh commented on the number of traffic citations and warnings, saying he’d heard a lot of residents complaining.

He said residents had been complaining about the “little things” after being pulled over.

Walsh said it was “very nice” to only issue 295 citations and instead have 820 warnings.

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