Volunteers Clean Up Ferncliff Road

The Clearfield County Solid Waste Authority, along with the Pike Township Supervisors, local property owners and other volunteers, recently cleaned up illegally dumped trash such as tires and electronics along Ferncliff Road. 

In addition to local donations of transportation and labor and as a registered state Pick-up Pennsylvania event, free trash bags, gloves and safety vests were provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, PennDOT and Keep America Beautiful. 

Free landfill disposal was also made available by GFL Environmental Greentree Landfill, located in Kersey, Pa.  

“We are truly grateful for all the support we received and ask the public to help us keep Ferncliff Road clean by reporting any suspicious dumping activity at 814-765-5149,” said Solid Waste Authority Officer Agatha Lauder English.

Each year, volunteers across the state remove an average of 7 million pounds of trash and tires from roads, waterways, parks, trails and other shared public spaces through this initiative. 

CCSWA’s officer, with landowner permission, has posted lands along this road and will be monitoring this stretch of road for future dumping including with use of surveillance cameras. Anyone caught illegally dumping is subject up to $1,000 fine per offense.

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