What Is an Edge Device in Networking?

If you’re unfamiliar with what an edge device in networking is, this guide will help you understand the basics of what they are and how they function.

Many critical components make up a fully functioning industrial network. Among these are edge devices. If you’re unfamiliar with what an edge device in networking is, this guide will help you develop a basic understanding.

What an Edge Device Is

An edge device in the field of networking refers to any piece of hardware that one uses to connect an internal local area network (LAN) to either an external wide area network (WAN) or the internet. Essentially, an edge device serves as an entry or exit point of a network.

Using edge devices, the network can collect data from outside sources and control the flow of data at the boundary, or “edge,” between two networks. To do so, the edge device will provide the local information necessary to an external network. In cases where the networks have different protocols, the edge device is responsible for translating information so that they can connect and share data effectively.

Different Types of Edge Devices

There are numerous types of edge devices. Among the many edge devices, a few that modern network infrastructures often employ include:

These are just a few of the many different types of edge devices. We hope this quick and simple guide on what an edge device in networking is provided you with a helpful introduction to the world of edge devices.

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