How To Prevent Furniture Damage to Your Wood Floors

No one wants scratches on their beautiful hardwood floors. Learn how to prevent furniture damage to your wood floors with these simple but effective tips.

People value hardwood for its durability, but no floor lasts forever. In fact, little dents and marks are signs of a well-lived-in home. Still, no hardwood floor owner wants to experience the horror of walking into a room and seeing an obvious scratch on the floor. When you install wood floors in your home, you should take a few precautions to help them last. Many of those measures revolve around your furniture. A hard leg or rough edge can deal serious damage to your gorgeous flooring if you’re not careful. Learnhow to prevent furniture damage to your wood floors and keep every room looking good as new with these tips.

Make Furniture Safer

There are ways to make your furniture safer for wood floors. You can add felt pads to the legs of chairs, small tables, and other pieces that you move a lot. For heavier objects such as sofas or dining tables, try to find options with wheels—preferably softer options such as rubber or ball wheels. This will allow you to rearrange the furniture with less effort and far less damage. Finally, check the legs of your furniture regularly. Be sure to replace any missing pads or broken wheels before they cause damage. You can also sand down rough or worn edges of furniture legs to keep them smooth and harmless against your floors.

Cozy Up with Area Rugs

If you can’t make your current furniture safer for your floors—or if you just want to take an extra precaution—consider laying down an area rug. The extra cushioning prevents scratches and looks fantastic under your furniture. This is also a great way to keep your hardwood floors warm in the cold winter months. Plus, you can choose a smaller rug that only covers the space beneath your furniture, leaving plenty of gorgeous wood floor open for admiration.

Know How to Handle Accidents

Of course, accidents can still happen, even if you follow all of these tips for how to prevent furniture damage to your wood floors. Broken wheels, older chairs, and mistakes while rearranging furniture can lead to the occasional scratch. This doesn’t have to mean the end of your beautiful hardwood, though. Have a plan in place for how to deal with scratches on your wood floors. If you know what to do and already have the right tools on hand, you can quickly handle the damage and get back to enjoying your beautiful flooring.

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