Common Reactions To the Loss of a Loved One

Everyone has a unique way of expressing and experiencing bereavement. Explore a few of the common responses following the loss of a loved one.

Mourning is an essential part of the healing process. It is common for the emotions following the loss of a close family member or friend to feel overwhelming. People often experience adjustments to their physical being after losing someone, too. Grief presents itself differently per individual, and there is no one right way to bereave a loss. Still, there are many common reactions to the loss of a loved onethat people share in their experience.

Feelings Attributed with Loss

Sadness and Depression

It may seem obvious, but sadness is an emotion highly associated with losing someone. Intense feelings of sadness are normal to experience when mourning. However, it is important to note that these feelings can evolve into depression for some people.

Adding recreational activities and socializing with friends and family can enhance even the lowest of moods. If you feel you have experienced bouts of depression after losing a loved one, reach out to a medical professional for guidance on how to move forward.


Confusion and anger are common reactions to the loss of a loved one. Folks in pain can turn sadness into anger. Pain over the death of a beloved person can be expressed through angry sentiments. Positive and open communication can help to curb angry outbursts that mask grief.


Losing someone may feel surreal to some people. Whether the death was anticipated or not, it can be jarring to no longer have an admired individual around. Disbelief can make it challenging to concentrate and result in a sense of depersonalization.

How Loss Can Impact You Physically

It is possible for your body to respond physically to the loss of someone, too. Overwhelming emotions can take a toll on various bodily functions. It is common to experience the following symptoms when dealing with insurmountable grief:

It is crucial to adopt habits that benefit your healing process to improve your wellbeing after the loss of a loved one. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy or normal lifestyle when experiencing insurmountable sadness, but with the help of family, friends, and hobbies, you can move forward in life in an honorable way.

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