DuBois Central Catholic Students Enjoy Retreats

TREASURE LAKE – Fr. Ross Miceli, St. Boniface Church, Kersey recently presented retreats to DuBois Central Catholic junior and senior classes at Treasure Lake.

According to Becky Dutra, director of Campus Ministry, “Each year students of all ages attend retreats, either in school or off campus.  The retreats are meant to unify classes through learning and activities outside the school setting.”

The topic for the retreats was, Resurrection:  Order, Disorder and Reorder in your life.  Junior Rebecca Huegler stated, “Fr. Ross was funny and didn’t baby us. 

“He seemed to have a grasp on what teenagers like and do.  The activities we did were fun and challenging, for example interrupting different quotes and designing covers for the program folder.” 

When asked what Rebecca’s take away from the weekend was, she said, “There are a lot of different interpretations to what people say.  By using and learning what different interpretations mean, we can learn how not to judge people quickly.  We have to try to see the other person’s point of view.”

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