More Than $15 Million in Funding Awarded to Continue Economic Growth in Coal-Impacted Communities in the PA’s Appalachian Region

Gov. Tom Wolf announced Wednesday that more than $15 million has been awarded to 15 projects in Pennsylvania’s Appalachian Region through the Appalachian Regional Commission’s (ARC) Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative.

“Our coal-impacted communities in Pennsylvania have felt the changing economy of the country’s energy production in a major way and cannot be left behind,” Wolf said.

“These 15 project awardees are focused on improving the way of life for individuals in the Appalachian Region—bringing new economic opportunities, preparing a skilled workforce, investing in broadband and other critical infrastructure, and advancing community and economic development.”

Pennsylvania received the most awards, with 11 implementation awards, two broadband awards and two technical assistance awards.

The projects range from focus on energy innovation, broadband investments, tourism, substance use disorder, behavioral health and workforce academies.

“We are so proud to congratulate the commonwealth’s 15 POWER awardees, whose submitted projects will position our Appalachian Region communities for economic growth and new investments for years to come,” said Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin.

“Across coal-impacted counties, this funding will support major economic and community-focused efforts to further grow vibrant, strong local economies, which is more important now than ever before.”

Regional projects include:

Project Title: Penn Highlands Healthcare Behavioral Health Hospital

Grantee: City of DuBois

Award Amount: $500,000

Announcement Date: October, 2020

An ARC grant of $500,000 was awarded to the City of DuBois in DuBois, Pa., for the Penn Highlands Healthcare Behavioral Health Hospital project. The project will construct a stand-alone behavioral health hospital as part of the eight-building construction/renovation project started by Penn Highlands Healthcare.

This project will serve patients suffering from drug and alcohol addiction and behavioral health issues, and or use medication-assisted treatment (MAT). The facility will include the addition of a psychiatric urgent care center and acute psychiatric care for children and adolescents, along with an extended sub-acute unit for at-risk children and adolescents. The project will help expand the adult inpatient unit by 14 beds.

The new behavioral health facility is expected to serve 3,200 patients a year and create 163 jobs. Additional funding for the project is provided by Pennsylvania’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program.

Project Title: Pennsylvania LDDAP Statewide Broadband Initiative Grantee:

North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission

Award Amount: $600,000

Announcement Date: October, 2020

An ARC grant of $600,000 was awarded to the North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission in Ridgway, Pa., for the Pennsylvania LDDAP State-wide Broadband Initiative.

The project, in partnership with Pennsylvania’s other six local development districts (LDDs) in the Appalachian Region, will help communities assess strategies and associated costs for deploying broadband in unserved areas.

It will also facilitate broadband deployment activities, including the installation of fixed wireless broadband equipment and the partnership with existing internet providers to expand broadband service into target areas.

The project will serve 425 businesses, 1,700 households and 13 communities. Additional funding is being provided by the U.S. Economic Development Administration and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Project Title: Pennsylvania State University Grantee: Enhancing the Tri-State Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Through the Innovation Beehive Network. Award Amount: $1,499,225

Announcement Date: October, 2020

An ARC grant of $1,499,225 was awarded to Pennsylvania State University in University Park for “Enhancing the Tri-State Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Through the Innovation Beehive Network.”

The Innovation Beehive Network—a partnership between Penn State’s Behrend campus in Erie, Edinboro University, Gannon University and Mercyhurst University—will leverage the institutional strengths of its members to provide no-cost services to businesses and entrepreneurs using faculty, students and research capabilities to enhance economic growth across Pennsylvania, Ohio and the southern tier of New York.

The Beehive seeks to create a vibrant entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem, increasing new start-up and scale-up businesses and improving economic outcomes by providing access to university resources.

The project will expand the Beehive’s service area, spur new successful businesses, protect and secure current ones and lower the barriers to success for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

As a result of this project, 90 businesses, 18 communities, 100 participants and 100 students will be served; 70 businesses, 15 communities, 90 participants and 90 students will be improved; 15 businesses and 20 jobs will be created; and $500,000 in private investment will be leveraged.

Project Title: Reboot Workforce Program: Recovery at Work in Central Pennsylvania

Grantee: Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corp.

Award Amount: $1,018,500

Announcement Date: October, 2020

An ARC grant of $1,018,500 was awarded to the Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corp. (CPWDC) in Lewisburg, Pa., for the “Reboot Workforce Program: Recovery at Work in Central Pennsylvania.”

The CPWDC, in partnership with Geisinger Health and Susquehanna Economic Development Association Council of Governments (SEDA-COG), will build a recovery ecosystem and a ready workforce by increasing labor participation rates of individuals who have opted out of the workforce because of their addiction to opioids.

CPWDC will also provide solutions to address the opioid crisis in central Pennsylvania by expanding access to treatment services using telemedicine, providing workforce preparation and training services to individuals in recovery and connecting individuals with businesses that are “recovery friendly.”

SEDA-COG and the PA CareerLink Business Service Teams will identify employers that are already recovery-friendly and assist other businesses to become recovery-friendly to increase their pool of workforce talent.

The project will improve 250 patients, 30 businesses and 120 worker/trainees, as well as create three new telemedicine sites for persons in recovery.

Each year through the POWER Initiative, the ARC offers competitive funding to 13 Appalachian states (Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia) for numerous projects in a wide range of program areas.

The ARC’s focus for the 2020 POWER Initiative is investments that are regional, strategic, transformational and that maximize economic revitalization.

The POWER Initiative targets federal resources to help communities and regions affected by job losses in coal mining, coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain industries.

By encouraging economic diversity, enhancing job training and re-employment opportunities, creating jobs in existing and new industries, and attracting new investments, it supports efforts to create a more vibrant economic future for coal-impacted communities.

A list of all awardee projects is available online. Learn more about the ARC’s POWER Initiative.

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