DuBois City Discusses Several Items of Business

DUBOIS – The prospective buyers of a property, located at 8 Quarry Ave., DuBois, sought input from DuBois City Council on Monday night.

Currently, they have plans to convert the former church building into a chiropractor’s office, and sought input on how to address issues, if any would arise.

City Engineer Chris Nasuti said the prospective buyers were present to gather information, and not to request action.  It was noted the property is zoned R-1.

In other business, City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio reported the city is exploring bulk water sales to Sandy Township.  He said the city will not finalize any sales without first having approval from council.

He also said several chapters of the draft consolidation study have been provided to DuBois City and Sandy Township. These include chapters on financials, police and public works.

Council also voted to move forward with the process of developing and instituting a vacant property ordinance, and members suggested it be comparable to the ordinance in place in Reynoldsville.  

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