Out-of-state Man Faces Trial for Assaulting 3 People at Sandy Twp. Bus Terminal

DUBOIS – A Minnesota man will stand trial for assaulting three people at a Sandy Township bus terminal.

In March, Archie Ray Hagger, 30, of Minneapolis, Minn., was charged with three counts of aggravated assault, simple assault and harassment as a result of an encounter with employees of Fullington Trailways at their office.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, at 12:32 p.m. on March 2, police were dispatched to the business on Rockton Road for an assault in progress. The caller stated that an African-American man in a hoodie was assaulting people and two persons were down.

When police arrived, an officer saw a man restraining a man matching the description of the assailant. The man, later identified as Hagger, was then taken into custody without resistance and he was placed in a patrol car.

At this point, Hagger said “Hispanics” were after him. Hagger had allegedly assaulted three employees who all required medical attention.

The victim who had restrained Hagger had blood on his shirt that was ripped open, and he had notable bleeding injuries to his mouth and lip and his nose was red, the officer noted.

He told police an employee at the terminal had called saying there was a problem there. During the call, he could hear screaming in the background.

As he walked into the waiting area, he reportedly saw Hagger kicking an employee’s legs. Another employee was injured, lying on the ground and not moving.

When Hagger noticed this victim entering the area, he threw a chair at him before approaching him in an aggressive manner, taking a fighting stance, he told police.

This victim rushed Hagger and tackled him to the ground. As they struggled, the victim was allegedly struck three times in the mouth and nose.

He said the struggle was very violent and at one point he bit the defendant on the arm as he was trying to break free. This victim was concerned as he was losing his grip on Hagger that he would get lose and assault the other people on the property.  

The second male victim told the police that he heard a woman yelling and when he walked into the waiting area, he saw the woman on the floor and the defendant on top, assaulting her.

He yelled for Hagger to get off her and tried to push him off. Hagger then reportedly began striking this second male victim in the face, breaking his glasses, and causing him to fall to the ground.

Officers noted this victim appeared to have a severe head injury to both sides of his head near his right and left eyes, which were swollen. His head was also swelling. He had blood in both eyes and a laceration on the left side of his nose.

During his interview, he had a hard time remembering the incident and was disoriented. Later it was reported by staff of the emergency room that treated him that he had a brain bleed that required further treatment.

The female victim explained it started after Hagger asked her to come over to him to view something on his cell phone. When she did so, he reportedly began to strike her in the face with a closed fist approximately three or four times.

She then fell to the ground where he began to kick her in the head about four or five times, she told police.  She said when she started to feel faint and began to pass out, she thought that if she couldn’t get away from him, that he might kill her.

When the first victim came into the waiting area, she was able to crawl to the door and get outside where she ran into the garage and locked the door.

She had injuries to the top of her head, a bloody nose, a laceration on the left side of her head, which was bleeding, her hair was bloody, her left ear was bloody and she had blood on her clothing, police noted.

In the waiting area, chairs had been knocked over, there was blood on the floor, a piece of the defendant’s hair and his cell phone were on the floor along with a pair of broken glasses, all consistent with the reports of the victims, according to the complaint.

Hagger suffered a small laceration to the knuckle on his left hand, a bite mark on his right arm, a bloody lip and a small cut on the underside of a finger.

Following a preliminary hearing Friday, District Judge Pat Ford ruled that all charges be sent on to the court of common pleas for further disposition. He remains in custody in the county jail in lieu of $75,000 bail.

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