DuBois City Hears Update on Battle Against Blighted Properties

DUBOIS – DuBois City Council heard an update on its battle against blighted properties on Monday night.

Since its last meeting, council received copies of vacant property registration ordinances in place in Reynoldsville and Altoona.

“I can tell you this …. we have a lot of buildings, and we have a lot of vacancies,” said City Solicitor Toni Cherry.

Councilwoman Diane Bernardo suggested council work collaboratively with the Sandy Township Supervisors to develop a vacant property ordinance.

It was noted the two municipalities have “zig-zagged” borders, plus there would be strength in numbers.  Cherry said she’d be more than willing to share any ordinance she drafts for DuBois City with the township.

In other business, City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio reported there’s been an issue with vandalism at the city park. He said city police handle several incidents over weekends and some youths have been identified.

Juniata Lake (Photo by Steven McDole)

Council also praised the new sidewalks, lighting and other improvements made in the Juniata Lake area.

Bernardo reminded there will be an Octoberfest event on Oct. 3 in DuBois, beginning at 1 p.m., and the city’s K9 officer, Ace, will be on-hand for the festivities.

“There will be some foods, some crafts on a small scale since it was put together quickly,” she said.

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