Village of Hope Receives Support from PA PHARE Fund

(Provided photo)

HARRISBURG – A housing project to benefit older adults in Lecontes Mills received state funding support from Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Thursday.

Wolf announced recipients of the new round of funding for housing programs through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement (PHARE) fund.

The governor named 214 housing and community development initiatives in 67 counties that will share a portion of the total $45.79 million in PHARE funding.

The PHARE fund, which is sometimes referred to as the state Housing Trust Fund, is managed by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.  

In Clearfield County, the Mature Resources Foundation was awarded $200,000 for its Village of Hope Inc. project that will provide affordable, accessible housing for older adults.

It will also create a replicable model of community, where people can age in place with dignity and quality of life. Phase I of this project will establish 20 new, accessible homes for older adults.

These initial homes will provide shelter for approximately 20-60 older adults based on occupancy options. When the total project is completed, another 40-120 individuals will secure housing.

“The PHARE program is successful due to its flexibility and its ability to leverage local partnerships and leadership to effectively address broad housing needs,” said Wolf.

“It encourages local organizations and elected officials to come together and jointly decide the best way to enhance their community’s housing stock.”

Wolf continued, adding “PHARE is making a positive difference across the state.” Funding for the program comes from three main sources.

Since 2012, it’s received a portion of the impact fees collected from natural gas companies operating in the state with the goal of addressing the housing shortage caused by the impact of drilling.

That is supplemented with two other funding sources that include a portion of the realty transfer tax and money from the National Housing Trust Fund.

Thursday’s PHARE funding is expected to impact nearly 2,000 Pennsylvania households through a variety of efforts funding:

“The current pandemic has demonstrated just how important affordable housing is and why we need more of it,” said PHFA Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Robin Wiessmann.

“Since its start in 2012, PHARE has proven to be an invaluable funding source to help communities address their most urgent housing needs.”

At least $32.4 million of the $45.79 million (71 percent) allocated will be used to fund housing projects benefiting households with incomes below 50 percent of the area median income.

A list of the proposals receiving PHARE funding is available at See the sixth bullet for “Funding Announcements.”

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