Clearfield County Approves New Human Services Plan

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CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Commissioners on Tuesday voted to approve a new human services plan for 2020-21.

Community Development Specialist Lisa Kovalick said the county plans to serve 3,337 individuals with $4.9 million in federal and state funding and $169,341 in county funding.

“It’s based on the same amount of funding as last year,” Kovalick said, with the bulk of the funding to provide community mental health services.

She said Community Connections of Clearfield & Jefferson Counties has plans to serve 2,776 individuals with $3.3 million in state and federal funding, $122,603 in county funding and $126,475 in other funding.

So far as intellectual disabilities, she said the county will provide 221 individuals with case management and community-based services with slightly more than $1 million in federal and state funding and $46,738 in county funding.

Kovalick said the county has designated Central Pennsylvania Community Action (CPCA) to once again administer the Housing Assistance Rental Program, which will serve 45 families with $56,761 in state funding.

She said the Clearfield-Jefferson Drug & Alcohol Commission continues to see a need for county rehabilitation facilities and 262 individuals will receive substance use disorder services with $443,240 in federal and state funding.

Kovalick said the county will also introduce Human Services Development Funding for safe visitation and exchanges for child victims of domestic violence.

She said the League on Social Services will provide the program to approximately 15 victims with $15,103. There will be $10,800 available for continued services for home-delivered meals, intake and referral services, etc.

Also, on Tuesday, the commissioners opened bids for the re-roofing project that’s planned at the county’s courthouse annex building.

Three bids were received and the apparent low bid was awarded to 768-Roof of Clearfield in the amount of $130,000 pending final review from the solicitor and engineer.

The amount includes a base bid totaling $122,900 and $7,100 for a 30-year roof warranty.      

In other business, the county:

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