Local Couple to Take Travel Group on Tour of Antarctica, Argentina in 2022

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Tri-county residents are invited to an informational meeting to learn more about a once-in-a-lifetime chance to tour Antarctica and Argentina in January/February of 2022.

Ben and Barb Simpson of Rockton will take a local travel group on the 15- to 17-day tour through Go Ahead Tours in Boston, Mass.

This trip will include a nine-day cruise on the polar ice breaker/research ship, M/V Ushuaia, to the Shetland Islands via the Drake Passage.

Travelers will get up-close with penguin rookeries, elephant seals and whales, while taking in the towering and glittering icebergs and glaciers.

There will be multiple shore landings by zodiac boats with international expedition leaders.  While sailing, lectures will be provided by expert scientists.

Travelers will also explore Patagonia and Buenos Aires, Argentina by tour bus before boarding the expedition ship.

This includes visiting Tiera del Fuego National Park and seeing evidence of 6,500-year-old native settlements at Bahia Ensenada.

The cost of the trip is $14,200 and includes most meals, all lodging, airfare and tour bus.  A complete itinerary can be found at bsimpsontravel.com under “Future Tours.”

An informational meeting with a PowerPoint presentation is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Bethany Covenant Church, 26 E. Long Ave., DuBois.

For more information or questions, please call the Simpson’s at 814-583-5440 or e-mail barbsimpson@hotmail.com.

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