Furloughed Clearfield County Gov’t Employees to Return to Work

Tony Scotto (Provided photo)

CLEARFIELD – With the court system beginning to reopen and Clearfield County expected to partially reopen May 8, full- and part-time county employees will soon return to work.

Forty-five employees, who were furloughed April 20 amid the COVID-19 crisis, will return to work Monday, according to Clearfield County Commissioner Chairman Tony Scotto.

Scotto said that some court-related employees, such as part-time public defenders and assistant district attorneys, will come in today.

The county’s board of commissioners issued the following statement to local media:

“On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a new order, which opened up additional court and court-related activities.

“Additionally, we are anticipating Clearfield County being moved from ‘red’ phase to ‘yellow’ phase under the governor’s reopening plan on Friday, May 8. We want to keep the public informed of courthouse access rules as we move into this new phase.

“The Supreme Court order specifically states that ‘all in-person access and proceedings shall be strictly limited,’ and that all leaders ‘must [have] policies that implement and maintain procedures that restrict potential COVID-19 exposure.’

“The safety of the public and our employees is our highest priority. Accordingly, public access to all county buildings will remain restricted for now.

“County offices will be open and fully staffed, and available by appointment as they are now. Most offices will be offering more appointment slots than were available over the past few weeks.

“Please call a day ahead of time to set appointments; any business that can be transacted by e-mail or phone must be handled in that manner. Masks will still be required to enter any county building.”

The commissioners continued, saying that: “Anyone who appears ill or displays symptoms associated with COVID-19 may be denied entry.

“Throughout this emergency, the public has done a commendable job of following safety protocols. We very much appreciate it.

“We anticipate further easing of these restrictions, provided that local virus cases remain low, and we will communicate those changes as soon as possible.”

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