Exercises That Dental Professionals Should Do Regularly

To combat the damaging impact that the dental profession can have on one’s body, try these exercises that dental professionals should do regularly.

Practicing dentists spend a considerable amount of time hunched over patients in uncomfortable positions or doing repetitive hand motions. Over time, the rigors of their daily work can start to have a negative impact on their health. As such, many dentists experience back, neck, and joint pain as well as postural issues and general discomfort. To help combat the damaging impact that the dental profession can have on one’s body, try incorporating these exercises that dental professionals should do regularly into your daily routine.

Core-Strengthening Exercises

Core exercises that focus on strengthening one’s abdominal and lower back muscles are especially beneficial for dentists. Throughout the day, dental professionals often sit in chairs with little or no support, which can put stress on their backs.

To combat such strain, consider doing exercises such as crunches, planks, bicycle crunches, and leg lifts. Such exercises will tighten your core and help you maintain proper posture while working. As such, you can avoid putting excess tension on your back and experience less discomfort.

Ergonomic exercises

Ergonomic exercises that can be incorporated throughout one’s day can greatly help improve the health and wellness of dentists. Such exercises are designed to help reduce the negative impact of the hunched postured and repetitive motions that dental professionals often maintain throughout their workday.

Examples of effective ergonomic exercises for dentists include side stretches, spinal twists, neck stretches, and wrist flexion exercises. These exercises can be done between appointments and may help alleviate discomfort.


Yoga is a great exercise for dental professionals as it helps alleviate the physical and mental stress that they often experience. Gentle yoga stretches can help reduce tension in the back, neck, and other muscles. In addition, certain yoga postures can also help strengthen one’s core muscles and improve alignment.

In terms of mental health, the deep breathing exercises practiced in yoga have been known to help reduce stress and evoke calm feelings. As such, practicing yoga can help promote physical and mental wellness for dental professionals.

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