Sandy Supers to Distribute Survey to Sewer Customers

DUBOIS – Surveys will be distributed to Sandy Township’s sewer customers.

On Monday night, the Sandy Township supervisors announced the surveys will be used to determine how many customers qualify for low- to moderate-income status.

It was noted that the township is required to conduct the income survey as a requirement for usage of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds.

According to the supervisors, there are 248 sewer customers who have laterals that will require work. The township has 1,489 total customers.

The supervisors said CDBG funds will be used to reduce costs for qualifying residents. Other customers will still have the work done, but the township will offer a long-term payment option.

To qualify as low- to moderate-income, the supervisors said a single person can earn up to $35,000 annually. The limit for a family of four is $50,550.

Engineer Perry Bowser also said the township is pursuing a grant to help pay for the sewer line and lift station that would connect the Platt Road area.

In other business, the supervisors voted to cancel the summer park program this year, so that the decision wouldn’t be delayed until their next meeting in May.

And due to the hydrant project being delayed in Treasure Lake, the supervisors voted to reallocate the funds. These funds, which total $7,000, will now be used for personal protection equipment.

The supervisors said it’s hoped that costs associated with PPE will be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Also, on Monday night, the supervisors said that traffic lights near the Interstate 80 exits will be upgraded sometime around 2023.

Upgrades will include traffic cameras, remote-controlled timers for traffic lights and traffic counters. Afterwards, some collected data will be made available to Sandy Township.

The supervisors said it’s unclear at this time if upgrades will include an emergency service vehicle light bypass or if camera recordings will be available to the police department.

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