How to Safely Dispose of Your Old Car Tires

Tossing out old tires isn’t like tossing out old toothbrushes. If you want to learn how to safely dispose of your old car tires, you have to follow these steps.

If you drive, you should be aware of how to safely dispose of your old car tires. It’s a process that involves more than just leaving the tire out with your trash for garbage collectors to take. However, it is still a very simple process that can be executed in various ways.

Ask Your Local Tire Repair/Auto Shop

Upon replacing your tires at a shop, many of them will dispose of the old tires for you. Typically, it’s free, but some places may do it for a fee. Contact your local auto shop to inquire about their tire disposal protocols. If you run into an issue, no worries. There are still a couple of great avenues you can take listed below.

Search for Nearby Recycling Facilities

There are several different routes to go down if you’re looking for a recycling facility. For instance, Earth911’s website has a “Recycling Locator” that can find facilities near you. There are additional organizations you can contact as well. You can contact the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or any general recycling facility near you to see if they can assist.

Repurpose It for At-Home Use

If you’re a DIY fan, then you can do many things with a tire at home. You can retrofit it into a classic yard decoration—a tire swing! The creative possibilities don’t stop there, though. You can transform a tire into a number of household decorations such as a small table, ottoman, or even a planter for the yard.

If you’re considering how to safely dispose of your old car tires, these are the three best ways of doing so. By following these steps, you can even take a mundane task and change it into something useful. Whether you hand it off to the proper disposal facility or transform it into something fun for your home, you’ll be taking care of the tire in a responsible and effective way.




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