LT Supers Address Work Crew Issue Amid COVID-19

CLEARFIELD – The Lawrence Township Supervisors held their Tuesday meeting via video conferencing and it was not without its problems.

Members of the media pointed out to the supervisors that it was difficult to understand what was being said during the meeting.

Among the items discussed was the use of facial masks and also the work crew.

Supervisor Jeremy Ruffner noted that, while some authorities are recommending the use of homemade cloth masks, they are not as good as people think they could or should be.

During a teleconference via phone Tuesday afternoon, officials from Penn Highlands Healthcare recommended the homemade masks not to protect yourself, but to protect others.

There is also a problem with members of the work crew congregating in the break room. The supervisors noted that when they come to work, they need to go straight to their vehicles and get to the work site they’re assigned to that day.

It was noted that the township cannot restrict them from the break room due to labor rules, but they can be reminded to avoid gathering in groups.

It was also suggested that they could work alternate days and not have the entire crew work every day, Monday through Friday.

After some discussion, the idea was proposed that if some crew members wanted to work split weeks, with some coming in Monday through Wednesday and others Thursday through Friday, voluntarily, the township would work with them and they would get their full 40-hour pay.

The meeting for April 21 was cancelled and the status of other meetings will be determined.

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