Clearfield SD Addresses Academic Calendar, Report Cards and Continuity of Education in Parent Letter

Superintendent Terry Struble (GANT file photo)

CLEARFIELD – In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Clearfield Area School District Superintendent Terry Struble addressed a number of matters, like the academic calendar, report cards and the continuity of education during the final grading period, in a letter to parents on Tuesday.

Academic Calendar

With approval from the school board, Struble said the academic calendar will reflect school days around Easter, except Good Friday.  He said teachers will continue efforts to post work and communications with students during this time.

Struble noted that the last day of the current academic year will be June 3 for students.

Report Cards

Struble said teachers will work to complete report cards for the third nine-week grading period for submission on Friday.  He said it’s important, especially at the secondary level, for students to submit any incomplete or missing work.

Once grades are submitted, Struble said report cards will be prepared and distributed to school families the week of April 13.

“That will provide one last opportunity for students to address … grades and missing work,” he said.

Struble said grades through the third marking period will be the basis for end-of-the-year recognition for seniors.

Fourth Grading Period

Struble said next week, teachers will begin instruction that goes beyond enrichment and review.

“We are still working through what … expectations [will] look like for students, what will be required for grading purposes and how we provide appropriate adaptations for students,” he said.

He said adaptations could be implemented to address learning needs, or by what’s the most equitable method to provide materials based upon student and family needs.

“This will take time, creativity, patience and willingness to try … ways we never dreamt of several weeks ago,” Struble said. “But with new challenges come new solutions and new opportunities.”

Struble said as such, the district’s normal grading system will become “pass/fail” for the fourth nine weeks at the secondary school.


Struble reminded that any activity, which would have occurred during this time, has been postponed.

He said the PIAA hasn’t cancelled the spring sports season yet, and the district continues to look at options for prom and graduation.

“While these may not be the most pressing issues in the world today,” Struble said, “they are important to our students.”

Meal Delivery

Struble said the cafeteria is “blessed” with a staff that’s been preparing over 400 meals daily for students in the community.

He said drop-off locations will remain the same, and this Friday’s lunch will be distributed with Thursday’s meal.  This, he said, will allow workers to celebrate Good Friday, and meal distribution will resume Monday.

Struble said the district is now offering a hot lunch option as well that can be taken home and heated in a microwave.


Struble said the school phones and e-mails are still being monitored remotely, and people can expect a response.

Clearfield Area Elementary School:

Phone Number: 814-765-5511, Ext. 1000

Mr. Veihdeffer:

Mrs. Gaston:

Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School

Phone Number: 814-765-5511, Ext. 2000

Mrs. Prestash:

Mr. Brickley:

Mr. Scaife:

District Administration      

Phone Number: 814-765-5511, Ext. 6000

In addition to regularly monitoring its phone system, Struble said the district’s staff have been updating its Web site,, and Facebook pages: “Clearfield Area School District” and “Clearfield Area Elementary School.”

Click here to read Struble’s full letter to the district’s school families.


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