Planning a Long-Distance Mother’s Day

Will you be away from your mom this Mother’s Day? If so, read our guide to planning a great long-distance Mother’s Day to still celebrate her well.

If you face a Mother’s Day far from your mom due to social distancing or other obstacles, you’ll obviously still want to make a big deal out of her big day. This is the woman who gave you life, raised you, and continues to care greatly for you. To help you show her the great power of appreciation, here are some tips for planning a long-distance Mother’s Day celebration.

Mail a Thoughtful Gift and Handwritten Card

First up is a no-brainer—mail your mom a creative, personal gift. While you’re at it, include a handwritten letter. If your mom hasn’t seen you in a while, she’ll treasure a heartfelt message in your unique handwriting. Concerning gifts, there are many unique, budget-conscious Mother’s Day gift ideas that would be perfect for her. Otherwise, try to recall a conversation with her where she let slip something she wants. When she opens your gift, she’ll be touched that you made the effort to ship her something potentially from across the country. Bonus points if your gift is something that helps you stay connected better, such as a memento to remind her of you.

Coordinate With a Nearby Relative

One of the hardest parts of planning a long-distance Mother’s Day is the fact that you cannot be physically present to give her a hug and present her with a gift. Plus, there’s something really unceremonious about her opening a package you ship to her. Make more of a gesture from afar by coordinating with a nearby relative who can give your gift (and a hug) in your stead. They can even deliver a heartfelt message you wanted to say to your mom.

Get Some Digital Facetime

The modern calling card of communication, video chatting, is a great option to be as present as possible on Mother’s Day. Block out a solid chunk of time for your mom, ideally at a time she’ll be free from distraction as well. If you make sure it’s more than a passing well-wishing, she’s sure to appreciate the chance to catch up with you. Be intentional about communicating how much your mom means to you, too. Going back through treasured memories together helps you solidify your bond with your mom, even from hundreds of miles away.


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