Gov. Wolf Orders Flags to Half-Staff to Honor COVID-19 Victims

HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Wolf ordered commonwealth flags on all commonwealth facilities, public buildings and grounds fly at half-staff until further notice to honor the victims of the 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic.

“Too many Pennsylvanians have lost their lives to COVID-19, and, unfortunately, many more will die,” said Wolf. “Already we have lost friends, parents, grandparents and siblings. We have lost first responders. We have lost community members.

“Each of these Pennsylvanians is irreplaceable. Each deserves to be honored individually for their contributions to our commonwealth, but this cruel disease will not give us a respite to mourn.

“This virus prevents us from honoring the dead at traditional gatherings. We cannot have funerals, wakes or sit shiva. I hope this flag lowering provides some solace to the grieving families and friends.

“And I hope it serves as a reminder of the reason for the sacrifices Pennsylvanians are making to help their community survive this crisis.”

Commonwealth flags should be lowered to half-staff until a date to be announced after the pandemic passes. All Pennsylvanians are invited to participate in this tribute.

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