Gov. Wolf Issues Statement on Commitment to Fair and Equitable Treatment of All Pennsylvanians During COVID-19 Pandemic

Gov. Tom Wolf today released a statement on his commitment to ensuring all Pennsylvanians receive fair and equitable access to lifesaving health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. His full statement is here:

“Pennsylvania’s standards of care – in times of crisis and not – are based on an ethical allocation framework, meaning care is provided equitably across all populations without regard to patient age, race, gender, creed, color, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status.

“We follow the provisions set forth in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act (PHRA) and advise any Pennsylvanian who feels they or a loved one have been discriminated against in any way to contact the PHRC.

“I will not tolerate discrimination in allocation of lifesaving resources based on any factor including, but not limited to age, disability and socioeconomic status to Pennsylvanians seeking medical care in our commonwealth.

“This belief is something I hold and expect at all times, but especially during this public health crisis. William Penn founded our state on tolerance and acceptance and that is a tenet we espouse today and every day. It is especially important in these unprecedented times when we all must work together to support each other.

“I am committed to protecting all Pennsylvanians affected by COVID-19, and we will not discriminate in this fight.”

Disability rights groups and the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee, under the Department of Human Services, have advocated for a clear policy prohibiting discrimination in the allocation of resources should the pandemic cause healthcare needs to exceed capacity.

Wolf and his administration have committed to establishing policy that strictly prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability or socioeconomic status in this fight against COVID-19.

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