Curwensville Council: Ambulance Service Prepared for COVID-19, Urges Residents Not to Panic

CURWENSVILLE – Curwensville Rescue Hose and Ladder Ambulance Service is prepared for potential COVID-19, commonly known as the Coronavirus.

At Monday’s meeting, Council Member Harriet Carfley said she spoke to Rob Shearer, EMS director, who told her the ambulance service is prepared to handle any issues. Carfley said the ambulance service has plenty of supplies and is ready to respond if the need arises.

Carfley said she wanted to ensure the residents that there is no need for panic.

Also, at the meeting, Mayor John Adams said the police department’s policy and procedures handbook was revised in 2018. However, Adams said since those revisions, the department needs to add a section for the use of tasers, a section pertaining to the School Resource Officer and a section regarding the administration of Narcan. Adams said there was also a section regarding secondary employment, but that section may not be necessary.

The council then voted to approve:

The council held an executive session for roughly an hour to meet with their solicitor and discuss personnel issues regarding the street department personnel. No action was taken.

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