DuBois Council Oks Agreement with Hibbert

DUBOIS – An agreement was approved Monday night between DuBois City Council and Tom Hibbert, allowing Hibbert to work on city property for a period of two years.

It was noted that under the agreement, Hibbert will have to demonstrate that he has liability and workman’s compensation insurance.

In other business, it was reported that a section of Robinson Street is one step closer to becoming a one-way street.

On Monday night, council was presented with Council Bill 1945, which will make Robinson Street one-way in the downhill directions between Howard and Quarry avenues.

Councilwoman Diane Bernardo also reported that County Commissioner Dave Glass had asked if she would like to be reappointed to the county tax appeals board, and she’s accepted.

City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio said that there has been some hiccups with the city’s dumpsters, but there has also been some good feedback on the new garbage billing system.

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