A Greener Decade: 7 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Do your part to improve our environment and check out these various ways to reduce your carbon footprint. From donating to driving less, you can make an impact!

As we take our first steps into the new year and the new decade, there’s probably a lot of things we want to change, whether it’s our workout schedule or our money-saving techniques. The new year is a time for positive growth and development. One way we can improve ourselves and our environment is to pay attention to our personal greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more ways to reduce your carbon footprint below, and walk into the decade with environmentally friendly intentions.

Eat Less Meat

One of the most effective steps you can take to combat climate change and reduce your carbon footprint is to stop or reduce your meat consumption. Simply limiting your meat consumption makes a difference; greenhouse gas emissions from agribusiness is an even bigger problem than fossil fuels. The sooner you cut red meat from your diet, the sooner you help the environment.

Donate More

Fast fashion leads to full landfills. Those trendy, cheap items that quickly go out of style typically end up in landfills, where they produce methane as they decompose. Do your part to combat this by donating your old clothes and shopping at vintage or recycled clothing shops. Better yet, when you donate your clothes, find a charity you deem worthy of donation—you’ll help many people as much as you help the environment.

Conserve Water

Water conservation is essential to reducing your carbon footprint. A vast majority of the water on Earth is too salty for human consumption, so conservation is vital. Here are a few ways you can conserve:

Plant a Garden

Whether you live in a city apartment or in a cozy suburban house, planting a garden is a quick way to reduce your carbon footprint. The more greenery you plant, the more carbon dioxide will absorb. Choose some bee-friendly flowers, some trees, or a vegetable and herb garden. The options are quite limitless—even if you think you don’t have enough space. Rooftop and balcony gardens are great for city spaces!

Do an Energy Audit

With technology right at our fingertips, there are many wonderful ways for you to understand your energy usage. An energy audit will show how you use or waste energy within your home, and it also provides ways to be more energy-efficient. Make your home a bit greener with this audit.

Drive Less

People have been saying this for years: driving less and walking or biking more is a substantial way to lessen your fossil fuel consumption. Leaving your car at home has immediate results on your carbon footprint.

Shop Seasonally and Locally

Our last tip delves into shopping habits. The less processed foods you eat, the better off your body and the environment will be. One of the best ways to do that is by shopping seasonally and locally. When you step away from big stores and choose farmer’s markets and whole food stores, you help the environment. It also does quite the trick for expanding your weekly menu.


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