Clearfield Municipal Authority Holds Reorganizational Meeting

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Municipal Authority reorganized Tuesday and retained all officers with Russ Triponey as chairman, Greg Dixon as vice chairman, John Naddeo as treasurer, Bill Swisher as secretary and Andy Spencer as assistant secretary/treasurer.

The solicitor is the law firm of Kubista and Ryan, engineer is Gwin, Dobson and Foreman Engineers Inc. of Altoona, accountant/auditor is Johnson, Nelson, Shimmel and Thomas, the Right to know officer is manager John Williams and CNB Bank is the depository.

Meetings will continue to be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. at the offices on Market Street.

During the regular meeting, the board learned that the paperwork for the Woodland Road project is complete and the state Department of Transportation will put the project out for bid this week with the bid opening on Feb. 27. Currently, PennDOT plans on beginning construction in April.

The preliminary plans for the Front Street project were received by CMA and are being reviewed by the manager and engineer.

Both Clearfield Borough and Lawrence Township have approved the Act 537 plan for CMA to take over the sewage lines. During the meeting, the board passed a resolution to approve the plan and submit it to the state Department of Environmental Protection.

Engineer Jim Balliet said he does not expect any problems because DEP is happy the project is taking place. However, if DEP makes significant changes to the plan, they will need to have the borough and township vote again.

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