Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Bureau of Wildlife Protection Names New Director

The Pennsylvania Game Commission’s Bureau of Wildlife Protection has a new director.

Jason Decoskey, who has worked for the agency since 2001, in his new position is responsible for overseeing and directing law enforcement operations. Decoskey succeeds Randy Shoup, who recently retired.

Decoskey is a former Game Commission field officer who most recently worked as Bureau of Wildlife Protection assistant director.

He said he welcomes the new challenges his new position will bring. “Bureau of Wildlife Protection staff and I are proud to lead the finest game wardens in the country,” he said.

“We’ll use the latest technology and training to support agency operations and provide the best service possible to Commonwealth citizens.”

Game Commission Executive Director Bryan Burhans said Decoskey brings an enthusiastic approach to the position and is a credit to the agency.

“Wildlife protection plays a key role in the agency’s mission, and Jason, with his wide range of experience, is able to step into his new position without breaking stride,” he said.

Decoskey served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1994 to 1998 as a fire direction controlman for an artillery battery. He graduated with the Game Commission’s 26th Class of the Ross Leffler School of Conservation in 2002 and served as a game warden in Dauphin County until 2006.

As a district officer, he served with nine deputy game wardens who he credits for his success as a game warden.

From 2006 to 2010, Decoskey served as chief of the Special Permit Enforcement Division for the Bureau of Wildlife Protection.  His responsibilities included issuing special permits, disabled person permits and federal permits.

From 2010 to 2017, Decoskey served as the chief of the Enforcement Division for the bureau. His responsibilities included administration of the statewide Deputy Program, Ceremonial Unit, Woodland Tracking Team and Conservation Officers Assistance Program.

From 2017 until 2020, Decoskey served as the Wildlife Protection assistant bureau director. In this role, he supervised teams of covert and overt special investigators, including K-9 operations. His responsibilities included commander of the Woodland Tracking Team, and TAC officer for the Pennsylvania State Police CLEAN system.

Decoskey is a member of the Marine Corps League, Pennsylvania Trappers Association and the National Conservation Law Enforcement Chiefs Association. He graduated from Cedar Cliff High School in Camp Hill, Pa.

He is a member of the Third Cohort of the North American Conservation Law Enforcement Leadership Academy, and was the first graduate of the Conservation Leadership Program of Study given by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

Decoskey enjoys trapping, hunting and spending time with his wife, Michelle.



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