Ways Individuals and Municipalities Can Combat Droughts

Being mindful of the ways we use water is the first step to conserving it. Learn more about ways individuals and municipalities can combat droughts, here.

You may think it’s a bit soon to think about droughts, but the winter is prime time for drought preparation. A lot of individuals and cities start too late on their quest to combat droughts, and because of that, the effects of the drought hit them hard. This year, start preparing your home or your city early and follow these various ways individuals and municipalities can combat droughts. From basic water conservation tips to updating the city’s water pumping systems, these tips will help you prepare.

Re-Use Water

This is an important tip that individuals and entire municipalities need to keep in mind. Reusing water or utilizing the water you have is one of the best ways to conserve water and combat droughts. For example, individuals can use leftover the water to water plants around the home. Municipalities and farms can use industrial water pumps to transfer water from one location to the other. Don’t just let the water go back down the drain.

Modify Lawn Care

Though this tip may seem like it’s only geared toward individuals, this is an essential tip for cities to understand as well. Leave grass clippings on the lawn to shade the soil, position sprinklers so water only lands on the lawn and shrubs, choose water-efficient irrigation systems—the list goes on. The more you adjust your lawn care routine to conserve water, the less chance droughts have of heavily impacting you.

Utilize Rain Water

If you know that your lawn or that your city gets hit hard by droughts, then make sure to utilize or conserve rainwater when you can. Install rainwater harvesting systems in the home, on the farm, and in the town. These systems will make sure that you’re reusing water and spreading it to the areas that need it most.

Avoid Overuse

In that same vein of all of the tips from above, make certain that you’re doing your part and not overusing water. One of the biggest strains on a city’s water supply is overuse. Be mindful of the amount of water you use each day—this comes from shorter showers, watering gardens early in the morning (leads to less evaporation), and installing low-flow fixtures.

Monitor Water Use

Technology seems to run our lives, and in this case, we’re glad it does.  Technology has made it possible for businesses, households, and cities alike to gain insight into how they’re using their resources and plumbing fixtures. For example, “smart plumbing” allows consumers to see exactly how much water they’re using. This leads to mindfulness and identifications on where their water use is inefficient.

The sooner we as individuals and communities learn that we can make an impact on how droughts impact our lives, the better. Follow these tips and you’ll find that water conservation is much easier than it may seem at first glance.

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