10 Insights for Avoiding A Fire in Your Home

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By: J. William Sarvey, CIC

Will Sarvey

Autumn is a sublime and beautiful season in Clearfield, Jefferson, Elk, and Clarion counties.  With the cooler weather and the arrival of slate-colored skies, many residents neglect to prepare for the season in which more homes catch fire than any other according to the National Fire Protection Association.

“October is an ideal month to prepare and inspect your home for the possibility of fire hazards,” says Will Sarvey, CIC and agent at Sarvey Insurance.  A fire in your home is nothing to scoff at or to treat as something that only happens to other people – a home fire kills an average of seven people every day.

Sarvey adds, “Fires can happen at any time; they are quick, they are dangerous, and people generally have less than three minutes to escape to safety.”  In short, a fire in your home is no joke.  Fortunately, Will Sarvey has complied a list of his top ten insights for helping others prepare for the unexpected:

In the United States, sixty-two percent of home fires deaths result from fires in homes where the smoke detectors were inoperable or where there were none to begin with in the home.  “Please be mindful as we move into another Autumn and Winter in North-Central Pennsylvania;” implores Sarvey, “Taking a few simple steps can protect you, your home, and your quality of life.”

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