Public Hearing Tentatively Scheduled Concerning Proposed Modification to Brady Twp. Injection Well Permit

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CLEARFIELD – A public hearing has been tentatively scheduled, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), concerning a proposed modification to a local disposal injection well permit.

The announcement was made by Clearfield County Commissioner John A. Sobel, chairman, during Tuesday’s regular commissioners’ workshop meeting.

The EPA, Region 3, intends to issue a proposed permit modification under the authority of the federal Underground Injection Control (UIC) regulations to Windfall Oil and Gas Inc.

This modification would extend the terms of the current permit for a Class II-D (brine disposal) injection well, located in Brady Township, Clearfield County.

According to Sobel, on July 31, 2015, the EPA issued a UIC permit to Windfall for its Class II-D disposal injection well for a term of five years. This permit will expire July 30, 2020.

He said on April 18, 2018, the agency received a request from Windfall to reissue the permit for a period of either five or 10 years because construction of the well hasn’t yet begun.

Sobel said in this case, the EPA has found it would be appropriate to modify the permit and extend the term of the current permit for five additional years, so it will expire July 30, 2025.

He said a public hearing has been tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug. 27 at the Brady Township Community Center, located at 71 Community St., Luthersburg.

However, Sobel said the EPA must receive requests no later than Aug. 20 for this hearing to be held. It’s reserving its right to cancel the hearing, unless there’s a significant degree of public interest.

Public comments on the proposed modification will also be accepted through Aug. 28. The public comment period is limited to comments concerning the term of the permit.

The administrative record for this permitting action is available for review during normal business hours at the DuBois Public Library, located a 31 S. Brady St.

The original permit and the statement of basis for the permit modification have been posted on the EPA’s Web site:

Requests and comments should be submitted to Kevin Rowsey, U.S. EPA, 1650 Arch St., Mail Code: 3WD22, Philadelphia, PA 19103 or via e-mail at

The commissioners intend to request for the public hearing to be held but also strongly encourage affected community members to clearly detail their own concerns in writing, as well.

In other business, Commissioner Mark B. McCracken reported briefly that the board of election had previously decided to complete the realignment of the two Bradford Township precincts.

This, he said, was based upon a court order issued in February by President Judge Fredric Ammerman, which was based upon the petition presented by citizens.

McCracken said the Voter Registration Office has completed the mailing of notices. Currently, he said the Bigler precinct has 621 registered voters and the Woodland precinct has 1,018.

The commissioners also:

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